środa, 21 maja 2008

A Mother's Faith - 17. wyzwanie na www.scrapfaith.blogspot.com

Pomyślałam sobie, że będzie weselej jak pokażę etapy:
I've thought that it would be funny to show stages of my work:

Naprodukowałam pełno ramek, użyłam tylko niektóre.
I've made a lot of frames and used only some...

Potem guziki...
Then the buttons...

Potem ramka na MOJE zdjęcie...
Then the frame with ME...
Potem kokarda czy jak to nazwać... Może nie widać, ale jest na niej napis "IN POLAND" - było "MADE", oczywiście. Papierek z ciacha od Bliklego.
Then a ribbon or whatever it may be... There are words "IN POLAND" on it. It's a paper on which a cake from Blikle was wrapped, "MADE"stood before, of course.

I tyle.
The result:
Journaling on the other side reads:

"I was thinking about memorizing my Grandmother, an open minded, brave, optimistic and very active person, a devoted paediatrician and social worker. As a young girl she was engaged to a Jewish boy, he was accidentally shot during the war. The majority of her friends were also Jewish. She made me understand and love Jewish culture what surely influenced my Christian spirituality. This "thanks" is for her and her friends I could not get to know.
I could also write about my Mother, a great chatter and Mom to all the cats in the neighbourhood. But finally I decided to tell about all the women in my family I didn't ever meet, all the ladies of past generations that have something in common with me (genes? some features? manners?) although I don't know what comes from which one... :) I often think about all these Moms, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Jewish ladies that appeared in the history of our family thank to intricate history of our country. They made me look and feel as I do."

The man on the picture is my Grandfather, husband of mentioned Grandma. His sisters died long before I was born so they represent
here all the ladies I don't know personally (empty frames).

3 komentarze:

Renny Berryboar pisze...

Piękny scrap :) Podoba "MISIE" :)

Barbarella pisze...

fajne te ramki :)
jak je naprodukowałaś?? :)

Sara pisze...

Na papierze odbiłam z szablonu prostokąty w pewnej odległości od siebie, potem skalpelem wokół nich luźną falą, bez wcześniejszego szkicowania, a potem również skalpelem prostokąty wewnątrz; banał i szybko idzie. Specjalnie użyłam do wycinania wnętrz skalpela a nie nożyczek, aby zachować te prostokąty. Nie lubię wyrzucać ścinków..:D Mam taki worek pt. "fajne ścinki"...